We are happy to report that as of December 17th, Crawford County has joined the ranks of counties, townships, and villages who have passed resolutions against Senate Bill 349. The resolution against SB 349 was unanimously passed by the Board of Supervisors after a presentation by Crawford County Conservationist Dave Troester who had been a part of adapting LaCrosse County’s resolution for Crawford County in the Land Conservation Committee. “It would be a shame if all the time and money we spent on creating local ordinances were for naught,” Dave commented, noting that in his experience these were popular ordinances that local municipalities thought were important to protect the health, safety, and economy of their districts.
Crawford Stewardship Project couldn’t agree more and we applaud our Crawford County Board of Supervisors for speaking out against the state’s attempt to strip away local powers of self determination.
Let’s keep this momentum going and keep adding to the resistance to this undemocratic bill before the State Senate takes it up again! Keep up the pressure on your state representatives, county government, and town and village governments to oppose this bill. And don’t forget to thank those brave enough to stand up for our rights!