Flooding Information and Resources:
A State of Emergency was recently declared for the entire state of Wisconsin in response to widespread flooding.
Individuals affected by flooding should contact their local County Emergency Management Office to request assistance or report damage.
Crawford County: (608) 326-0266
Vernon County: (608) 637-5266
La Crosse County: (608) 789-4811
Monroe County: (608) 269-8711
Reporting Damage: Call 2-1-1 or 877-947-2211 to report damage, so when assistance relief does become available, they have an accurate assessment of what damage has been sustained.
Help Line: Call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 to speak to a counselor trained in crisis support services.
Red Cross Shelter: The Red Cross has opened a shelter at the Westby High School (206 West Ave. S.) if residents need shelter or food assistance.
WI Dept. of Health Services Flood Hazards and Recovery
WI Emergency Management