Current action to take: Send a request for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the following individuals:
David Siebert (DNR Division Administrator):
Todd Ambs (DNR Deputy Secretary):
Preston Cole (DNR Secretary):
Mandela Barnes (WI Lieutenant Governor):
The DNR has drafted a proposed permit for Roth Feeder Pig II, with a “tentative recommendation to approve.” But not all hope is lost! Action can still be taken to prevent this factory farm from expanding, or at a minimum, impose permit conditions that address some of our many concerns about this project.
In November, more than 200 Crawford County residents formally requested that the DNR prepare an an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), but the DNR has yet to agree to conduct one. It appears the agency may consider their “integrated analysis” to be sufficient. The failure to adequately respond to the EIS request is only one of many deficiencies with this draft permit. Other deficiencies include:
- No groundwater monitoring for manure spreading fields
- A faulty claim that clay soils will have no issues with leaching at production site
- Too many animal units for the number of acres (plus, largely rented acres, and extreme slopes)
- Allowing separately permitted facilities to co-mingle manure
- Failure to address groundwater quantity issues
- The brief summary statements in themselves show the inadequacy of the environmental review process for a project of this scale in such a sensitive area
If you need any help or guidance on this situation, we welcome you to contact us.
Click here for additional information on the Roth Feeder Pig II permit application and the DNR permitting process
To view the proposed permit and fact sheet, click here
These CAFO farms are destroying every environment they’re allowed in. Disease, pollution you name it! Please don’t let our state literally go to shit! It’s time we say no to poor farming practices.
Stop this insanity NOW!
Dr. David Banner