Claire Branski brought eight other college students, mostly from St Olaf’s College in MN to Dancing Waters Permaculture Cooperative, home of CSP’s Lamar Janes and Forest Jahnke. Many had environmental studies or related majors and they were interested in learning about CSP and environmental activism work in general. Forest and Lamar had nearly an hour and a half of conversation with them on CSP, activism/advocacy, non-profits, and the challenges we are confronting as well as some movement in positive directions. After that, they were put to work helping our community achieve food, medicine, and energy independence (read: digging burdock root and a water diversion trench and chopping wood), before feeding them and continuing conversations more informally (much of the later conversation revolving around Community living). Forest believes they left here more energized than depressed, despite the oft-discouraging realities discussed. They signed up to follow CSP and promised to return.