WLFN is a relatively new organization and this was their first lobby day. There were a range of academics, state agricultural agency representatives (including Theresa Engel), and representatives from a range of smaller organizations. Jennifer Shilling was one of the speakers at the meeting/prep time before the actual lobbying happened and has been a big champion for them in past years. The two main lobbying points they focused on were Farm-to-School (maintaining/increasing funding) and Buy Local Buy Wisconsin (maintaining/increasing funding). Both of these are fantastic programs and CSP Co-coordinator Forest was happy to be able to end his lobbying stint in Madison on a high note with both of our area representatives. The lobbying was made easy by all the wonderful information backing up these programs as well as all the other less-tangible positive effects and there was a lot of joking about Forest living in the Capitol. Jennifer Shilling and Lee Nerison were both very supportive and pledged to do what they could to get as much funding as possible to these positive and productive programs.